Consulting Services

Intelatus performs business consulting assignments all across the world. Intelatus Global Partners has been providing solutions to a range of industries including

  • Offshore oil and gas
  • Renewables and energy transition
  • Ports and terminals
  • Transport and logistics
  • Shipbuilding and ship repair
  • Engineering and construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Financial institutions

Recent Projects

  • SOV/CSOV charter rates and operating cost projections (2025-2035)

    We completed a detailed review of the global offshore wind SOV/CSOV segment for a leading Asian shipowner and prepared charter revenue and operating cost projections and scenarios for the period 2025-2035.
  • UK and European offshore wind activity forecast

    Intelatus was engaged by an Asian government-related organization to prepare a forecast of offshore wind activity in the UK and Europe through 2025.
  • Global offshore oil & gas and renewables reel drive system segment

    A leading Dutch marine equipment company requested Intelatus to provide a briefing paper on the global oil & gas and offshore wind reel drive system segment.
  • M&A target identification

    Intelatus completed an exercise to identify and screen a potential short-list of M&A targets in the European CTV space for a Singapore-based ship owner.
  • Zero Emission Vessel Market Potential in the U.S. Harbor Craft and Inland Vessel Segment

    A U.S. national nonprofit requested that Intelatus undertake a detailed analysis of the U.S. harbor craft and inland vessel segment and to identify the potential future demand for zero emission vessels as part of a wider project to demonstrate the feasibility of a hydrogen fueled zero emission harbor tug.
  • Market Terrain to Support a Corporate Strategy Exercise

    Intelatus was invited by a leading European offshore and marine EPCI contractor to present analysis on a range of strategic topics to support its annual strategic planning workshop. Topics included energy market introduction and evolution, future oil & gas market development, major trends in the bottom-fixed wind segment, the myths and challenges of floating offshore wind, future fuels and Industry 4.0/digitalization trends.
  • Banks & Private Equity Support

    We completed repeat assignments to provide a forecast on the U.S. offshore wind and crew transfer market for an American financial institution.
  • Middle East OSV market

    A client requested an analysis of the current and future market conditions in the Middle East offshore support vessel sector. We segmented the market, interviewed key OSV operators, profiled the competitive landscape and forecast activity levels over the following five years.
  • Wind farm vessel forecast in Asia

    We profiled the future bottom-fixed and floating wind segments for a client in the wider Asian region, from the Middle East to Australasia. We provided a forecast demand for WTIVs, foundation installation vessels, AHTSs, cable layers and SOVs.
  • European Maritime Decarbonization

    We identified and studied actions taken or planned by European companies in the maritime sector to set decarbonization goals and reduce CO2 emissions. We have examined 100 companies and organizations, including all of the major shipping companies, ship builders and designers, port authorities equipment manufactures, and cargo owners.
  • Industry 4.0

    We prepared an analysis of industry 4.0 technology for the shipbuilding, ship design, and ship equipment segments in the European Market, Profiling steps already taken and plans for future investment.


How We Help

market analysis

market expansion


strategic planning

change management

project implementation

Evaluation of several midstream projects

M&A advisory

identifying sources of project financing