Petrobras’ Test at Sirius-2 Well Offshore Columbia Proves 'Good Productivity'
March 10, 2025

Petrobras has informed that a Drill Stem Test (DST) in the Sirius-2 well, located in deep waters of the Gujaira Basin offshore Colombia, proved ‘good productivity’.
The DST assessed to approximately 100 meters reservoir interval, which demonstrated good productivity.
During the test, samples were collected and will be characterized through laboratory analyses. The preliminary result of the test reinforces the volumetric potential for gas in the region.
The Sirius-2 well is located in deep waters in Colombia, 31 kilometers off the coats and at a water depth of 804 meters, at the GUA-OFF-0 offshore block
In December 2024, Petrobras and its partner Ecopetrol confirmed the largest gas discovery in the history of Colombia with the drilling of the Sirius-2 well, which has the potential to increase the country’s current reserves by 200%.
With the evaluation of the Sirius-2 well results, gas volumes exceeding 6 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) in place (VGIP) were confirmed at the site.
Petrobras, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Petrobras International Braspetro B.V – Sucursal Colombia (PIB-COL), acts as the operator of the consortium (44,44% share), jointly with Ecopetrol (55,56% share).
The consortium will continue to evaluate the results obtained from the drilling of Sirius-1 and Sirius-2 wells, according to planning and contractual obligations with the Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH) from Colombia.