X1 Wind and FibreMax Team Up to Enhance Moorings for Floating Wind Tech

September 17, 2024

X1 Wind and FibreMax Team Up to Enhance Moorings for Floating Wind Tech
(Credit: X1 Wind)

Floating offshore wind company X1 Wind has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with mooring line manufacturer and cable developer FibreMax to boost performance of floating offshore wind solutions, with focus on tension leg platform (TLP) tendons.

X1 Wind’s collaboration with FibreMax will explore opportunities to boost performance and sustainability of its mooring configuration with the introduction of synthetic cables, with improved strength, durability, and no-creep characteristics.

Crafted with circular or recyclable materials, FibreMax cables are expected further enhance the floating wind platform’s green credentials.

X1 Wind’s floating wind solution benefits from passive weathervaning and self-orientation capabilities, achieved through the integration of a Single Point Mooring (SPM) system with a small TLP mooring system.

The Spanish firm is making rapid progress developing its pre-commercial and commercial units, while its earlier X30 device was recognized as the world's first fully functional floating wind TLP to export electricity.

"Partnering with major supply chain manufacturers like FibreMax is of the utmost importance for X1 Wind, as it enables us to design our floating solution with state-of-the-art components and materials that can be mass produced, in this case specifically for our TLP tendons.

“This MoU not only strengthens our commitment to advancing floating offshore wind technology but also opens new possibilities for innovation and sustainability together with FibreMax,” said Alex Raventos, X1 Wind’s CEO.

“FibreMax is thrilled about this partnership, as we have built a strong relationship with X1 Wind over the past few years. We are now taking the next step to collaborate even more closely. Both companies are fully committed to advancing innovation, circularity, industrialization, and global supply chain development, with a shared vision that aligns perfectly for FibreMax and X1 Wind,” added Sander van Helvoort, FibreMax Director Renewable Energy.

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